
Tahoe Climate Symposium 2014

Click here for the Tahoe Climate Science Symposium 2014 Agenda

Symposium Presentations

McCarthy, Maureen. TSC Climate Science Symposium: Summary of Findings

Panel 1: Climate Models and Impacts

  • Dettinger, Mike. What we think we know now: Climate change projections and downscaling for Tahoe, Sierra-Nevada, and the Southwest
  • Schladow, Geoff. What keeps me up at night: Climate impacts to Lake Tahoe
  • Wilhelm, Susan. Overview of scenarios for California’s 4th Climate Change Assessment: Is there a role for Tahoe science?
  • Thomas, Jim. Warmer water impacts on nearshore ecology at Lake Tahoe

Panel 2: Storms and Floods

  • Albano, Christine. ARkStorm@Tahoe: Addressing social and ecological resiliency to extreme winter storm events in the Sierra Nevada
  • Niswonger, Rich. Watershed simulations in Tahoe basin climate change & ARkStorm
  • Anderson, Mike. Estimating 250-year floods in a changing world
  • Payne, Jeff. Truckee River Study: Planning for water supply reliability with climate change

Panel 3: Droughts and Heatwaves

  • Smallcomb, Chris. Weather and Climate: What do we know, what do we need to know, how should we be communicating science & uncertainties (Presentation not available for posting)
  • Schwartz, Mark. Forest health (or not): What does climate change especially droughts do to forests and when? (Presentation not available for posting)
  • Huntington, Justin. Accuracy of evaporation and ET models for Tahoe now and in the future
  • Albright, Thomas. Conservation and climate change: Finding the hot moments and hot spots

Panel 4: Wildfires and Air Quality

  • White, Angela. Recent Wildfire Lessons Learned: What do wildfires/drought mean for lake and streams? Monitoring needs?
  • Brown, Tim. Climate and fire
  • Westerling, Tony. Seasonal forecasts, paleofire reconstructions, and climate change impact assessments (Presentation not available for posting)
  • Kent, Graham. Fire history of Tahoe and new approaches to monitoring (Presentation not available for posting)