Peer Review

Independent and unbiased review of both proposed and completed scientific work is a critical component of the scientific process. In complex systems where science activities are undertaken to produce information that reduces uncertainty, addresses gaps in knowledge and informs decision makers, independent and unbiased scientific review can be applied at multiple levels including:

  • The Proposal Level
    The review of proposals for new science is intended to improve the quality of the experimental design associated with the research, monitoring or adaptive management project being proposed.
  • The Project Level
    Review of products (e.g., reports and manuscripts) from completed projects ensures that data analysis and interpretation are appropriate and justified based on the work completed and the results of other relevant studies.
  • The Program Level
    Reviews at this level are intended to provide expert advice and ideas about how to develop scientific information that best meets management needs or policy goals and to provide feedback on the quality of science that underpins program activities. A significant function of the Tahoe Science Consortium (TSC) is to provide the service of independent and unbiased scientific review of science activities or scientific results produced through any of the levels listed above.This peer review is intended to ensure that science activities conducted in the basin, and funded by agencies charged with the management and restoration of the Lake Tahoe basin, are scientifically sound, consistent with the basin’s science plan, compatible with previous research activities and in compliance with the federal Data Quality Act (Section 515 of Public Law 106-554).


Please see the Peer Review Process Document for more information on how to become a reviewer.